“Helping women reconnect with their

bodies, realise their capabilities and

feel confident and empowered.”

Two women passing ball between them in fitness studio-Real Strong Women-Womens Health and fitness-High Wycombe

Welcome to Real. Strong. Women.

We are specialists in female-focused solutions to health, fitness & wellbeing. We lead and support you through your journey of recovery from common women’s issues such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and diastasis; as well as preparation and recovery from surgeries such as hysterectomy, prolapse repair and c-section.

Our Services

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    30 Minute Consultation Call

    Book in for a free 30 min video consultation to talk through what is happening for you so that we can explore the best way forward.

  • The 'Strong Like A Woman' Programme

    Our bespoke 1:1 coaching programme aimed at helping you overcome common women's health issues such as incontinence, diastasis, prolapse, and more.

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    The 'Real. Strong. Women' Studio

    Join our safe & supportive community of like-minded women with a membership to the RSW studio, with access to 1:4 coached fitness sessions every week, and more.

  • Soft Tissue and Scar Therapy

    1:1 C-Section, Hysterectomy & Abdominal ‘hands on’ Scar Therapy to help support your recovery.

  • Icon drawing of people taking part in a fitness workshop -Real. Strong. Women-female health-High Wycombe

    'The RSW Series' Workshops & Talks

    Female-specific workshops designed to empower you with the confidence that comes from having knowledge of your own body.

Vicki Dcauser- Founder of Real Strong Woman sitting against a wall

Hey, I’m Vicki!

Real.Strong.Women is a culmination of my personal experience of having a body that didn’t conform (hello prolapse, stress incontinence etc!); 1000s of hours of learning from incredible educators; much exploration and experimentation; learning from all the amazing real women I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the years; and lastly, really challenging some of the bullshit myths and stories that society feeds us about what it is to be strong like a woman! You’re not alone and it’s never too late!

Our Mission

From Uncertain to EMPOWERED!

Taking you from feeling uncertain and disconnected from your body, to empowered and able through movement.

Redefining Strong for YOU

Challenging society’s take on what it means to be strong like a woman and creating a personalised definition based on your own amazing capabilities.

There is ALWAYS a way forward.

Whatever the issue, and however long it’s been, Real. Strong. Women can help you overcome your personal hurdles and take back control.

Women working out in the real strong women fitness studio - high wycombe

Our Fitness Studio

Small but perfectly formed, the Real. Strong Women Micro Fitness Studio is a fun and relaxed environment to train amongst like-minded women to build strength, confidence, resilience and power!

Monthly membership gives you access to 1:4 coached sessions with Vicki, tailored to your specific needs and abilities.

Join our safe and supportive community and feel empowered.

Latest on the Blog

  • Naomi J

    Working with Vicki has been a brilliant, empowering experience. She's super knowledgable, kind and absolutely brilliant at what she does. I'd lost confidence in my body and ability to exercise after having children but after working with her I feel stronger than I have in years and crucially, I feel I've been given a toolkit which will enable me to keep moving, and keep up with my kids, for years to come. I honestly cannot recommend Vicki enough.

  • Amanda S

    Vicki is an amazing coach and person. The knowledge, support, time and guidance that she has given me and continues to share I couldn’t be without. After my 2nd child I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to exercise or play sport like I used to or wanted to. Vicki has shown me how to overcome my frustrations and a new way of reaching my goals. I would 100% recommend Vicki.

  • Michelle P

    Vicki has actually changed my world - no exaggeration! I have had a prolapse now for around 5 years. I was told not to lift anything heavy by the doctor and that was about it! I went to private physio and she taught me how to do my pelvic exercises. So that was that! I stopped doing anything that involved lifting, stopped running, stopped shopping as I was afraid to lift bags. I started making so many adjustments in my life that I was not even aware I was doing it! …

    …Vicki taught me how to breathe!!! She taught me how to lift things safely. The exercises she gave me built my core muscles so I can now lift weights without everything coming down. As an added bonus, I have arthritis in most of my joints especially my knees and I have just completed Tour Du Mont Blanc which is 110 miles around Mont Blanc which includes a massive amount of ups and downs. My knees were absolutely fine and my husband ended up using my knee brace! All those exercises Vicki gave me have helped make me a Real Strong Woman!!!