The 6 week Check

That magic 6 week check...if you’re ‘lucky’ enough to even get one! Sadly with the current understaffing and crisis in the NHS, women are not being seen or followed up post natally and I know GPs who would welcome some help with supporting women at this vital stage of motherhood.

So let’s take a look at what actually happens in this appointment if you get one. Usually your baby is the priority and the focus of the questions asked to you are about contraception and mental health (and I’m not knocking that but what about everything else?)

What did they do to ‘check’ YOU...did they ask you if you were having any problems with your pelvic floor? Did they check your tummy for muscle separation? Did they talk to you about returning to exercise?

99% of the women I work with were not asked those questions. Then at the ‘magic’ 6 week mark they start running or get back to the gym...and then the back pain kicks in, or the leaking or the mummy tummy that won’t go away 😣

Postpartum healing takes time whatever kind of pregnancy and birth you had and women need and deserve a focussed approach to their recovery. It can take up to 2 years to recover and rebuild from birth.


So here’s some suggestions of things to ask to make the most of that appointment…

Hopefully your GP will offer all these things but if not, don’t be afraid to ask

  • Can you check my stitches (for any tearing/episiotomies)

  • Can you check my scar for healing (for c-section)

  • Can you check if my tummy muscles are healing? If I have a gap, how big is it and how much tension do I have in the linea alba? Do I need to see the Women’s Health Physio

  • If you are experiencing any incontinence of any kind, please say so, and ask for a referral to the Women’s Health Physio (wind, bladder or bowel)

  • If you are experiencing any PAIN of any kind, tell them, and get followed up

  • How will I know when I’m ready to return to exercise? Who should I see about this?

  • Always mention any changes in continence, pain, bleeding, anything that is unusual for YOU

If you know you need help but aren’t sure where to start, book in for a free 30-minute video consultation to talk through what is happening for you so that we can explore the best way forward.


Can I lift anything heavier than my kettle(bell)?!


Periods & Power!