Blonde Woman using dumbell in the real strong women fitness studio- High Wycombe


Real. Strong. Women knows that every single woman has their own story and their own journey. Being ‘strong’ isn’t just about being a certain size or lifting X amount of weight in the gym, it’s about the daily struggles and successes, the highs and lows, and the journey we go on as women to reclaim our body and mind back when life throws a curve ball.

Our carefully designed, female-focused solutions to your health & wellbeing will help you regain your confidence, take control of your body and feel empowered!

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    30 Minute Consultation Call

    Book in for a free 30 min video consultation to talk through what is happening for you so that we can explore the best way forward.

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    The 'Strong Like A Woman' Programme

    Our bespoke 1:1 coaching programme aimed at helping you overcome common women's health issues such as incontinence, diastasis, prolapse, and more.

  • Icon drawing of barbell and dumbell -Real. Strong. Women-female health-High Wycombe

    The 'Real. Strong. Women' Fitness Studio

    Join our safe & supportive community of like-minded women with a membership to the RSW studio, with access to 1:4 coached fitness sessions, and more.

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    Soft Tissue and Scar Therapy

    1:1 C-Section, Hysterectomy & Abdominal Scar Therapy to help support your recovery.

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    'The RSW Series' Workshops & Talks

    Female-specific workshops designed to empower you with the confidence that comes from having knowledge of your own body.

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    'PeriMenoWhat?' Online Retreat

    A 6-Week Online Peri-Menopause programme taking an empowered lifestyle approach to managing the pieces of the peri puzzle.